The German company ASB Systembau has created glass flooring (called ASB Glassfloor) that uses programmable LED lighting to create boundaries as well as create video messaging and other wording underneath the gym floor.

As we know, though most gym floors fit the dimensions of various courts (e.g. basketball, badminton, tennis, etc.), there's been that long-standing struggle of painted lines. Hard to play badminton on a court made for basketball and vice-versa. And LED lights come in and solve this problem.
The floor, which is currently in place in a German gym, is thoroughly tested to have the same elasticity as a wooden floor. The glass is also dulled to diminish any player reflections, which could prove distracting.
There are other possibilities for the flooring, such as being able to mark where a ball hits (to see if it's in bounds). New sports could even be created in which boundaries change.