Lighting Science Group: Five Health Benefiting Lighting Applications

Healthy lighting … it’s not just for your home. In fact, it’s not just for the planet earth! Or humans, for that matter. Here are five innovative biological correct lighting applications currently helping humans and certain aquatic creatures lead fuller, happier lives in a variety of environments, earth and non-earth.

A couple walking on the beach as the sun sets in the background. (Photo courtesy of Lighting Science)

NASA International Space Station

Astronauts function optimally in a normal 24-hour solar light cycle. But way, way up there on the NASA International Space Station, rays are rather hard to catch. To deal with the sunlight shortage, Lighting Science engineers have developed an advanced biological lighting system for the station. Easily dimmable to control color temperature and intensity, the LED system aligns with the astronauts’ natural timekeepers — circadian rhythms. Even in the depths of pitch-black space, astronauts get the right balance of daytime and nighttime.


Geriatric patients of the Maria-Hilf Hospital in Germany are recovering faster these days. Credit the hospital’s innovative LED natural lighting system. The natural lighting mimics the normal phases of sunlight, matching intensity and color temperature to the time of day. Exposed to this people-friendly sun cycle, patients experience less anxiety, improved balance, and fewer feelings of uncertainty. All of which makes for quicker recoveries.


Because biological lighting enhances alertness, many believe it can stimulate improved academic performance. Brown University, for instance, is studying the impact of LEDs on adolescents. And The Kongsgardmoen School in Norway has equipped its classrooms with a sophisticated LED system. Fully compatible with human circadian rhythms, the system will help school officials understand the extent to which biological natural lighting impacts academic performance and student behavior.


Who needs pre-work out supplements when you have biological lighting? LEDs actually help the human brain produce melatonin, the natural chemical that boosts energy and alertness. Recognizing this obvious health benefit, certain resorts have adapted biological lighting. Two of them are The Miraval Resort & Spa and Six Senses Resort, which now light their guest rooms with Good Night bulbs from Lighting Science. For its gyms and exercise rooms, Six Senses creates an energetic environment with Awake and Alert bulbs, also from Lighting Science.

Coastal Lighting

Sea turtle hatchlings are less confused these days thanks to LEDs. The Coastal Light from Lighting Science is an amber LED lamp that doesn’t attract these newborns, like conventional illumination does. With the amber lamps in street lights and such, the hatchlings ignore the illumination and instead follow the moon glow straight to their ocean home. No more tracking artificial light to who knows where.

These examples clearly demonstrate the versatility of biological lighting. Not an exhaustive list, by any means. But certainly one that presents a clear picture of the possibilities … possibilities that will only multiply as LED technology continues to advance.

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