Business Type
  • Business Type: Production and processing
  • Primary Business:
Product price(US$) Location
$7000.00 Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Product issuing date:2011-12-14
Product valid date:Not limited

LED Display (HTFO-1000) Send inquiry

Manufacturer Huatai Photoelectricity




Full color outdoor LED display for advertising campaign
High brightness and easy installation
Dimension can be customized

Pixel pitch                             10mm         12mm         12.5mm           16mm              20mm               25mm

Virtual pixel pitch                      -                 6mm          6.25mm            8mm              10mm            12.5mm

Pixels per square meter   10000           6944            6400                 3906                2500               1600

Pixel configuration            1R1G1B       2R1G1B     2R1G1B          2R1G1B          2R1G1B           2R1G1B

LED module(mm)             160*160       192*96        200*100         256*128          320*160           200*200

Cabinet size(mm)              960*800       960*768    1000*800        1024*768        1280*960      1200*1000

Minimum viewing distance  12.5             15                  16                      20                     25                    35

Horizontal viewing angle     ≥110°           ≥110°         ≥110°               ≥110°                 ≥110°           ≥110°

Vertical viewing angle           ≥70°             ≥70°            ≥70°                ≥70°                    ≥70°              ≥70°

Display refresh rate(Hz)     ≥4000           ≥4000        ≥4000             ≥9000                 ≥9000            ≥9000

Processing depth(bits)         16                  16                16                     16                       16                    16

Brightness(NIT)                    9000             7000            7000               6000                    5000              4500

Max. power consumption(KW/panel) 1.2    1.2            1.2                   1.2                       1.2                1.2

Average power consumption(KW/cabinet)      0.6            0.6           0.6             0.6        0.6              0.6

Drive method                            1/2                 1/2              1/2               static                 static             static