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Product price(US$) Location
$55.00 Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Product issuing date:2014-08-11
Product valid date:Not limited

H801RC Send inquiry

Manufacturer Shenzhen Huacanxing

Ⅰ. Introduction

H801RC is a two-way Ethernet transmission slave controller, data can be input from either port and output from other one. H801RC has eight output ports and drives maximum 8192 pixels, and can be connected to computer or master controller(H802TB or H80xTC).

The followings are the controllable IC: LPD6803, LPD8806, LPD6812, LPD6813, LPD1882, LPD1889, LPD1883, LPD1886, DMX512, HDMX, APA102, P9813, LD1510, LD1512, LD1530, LD1532, UCS6909, UCS6912, UCS1903, UCS1909, UCS1912, WS2801, WS2803, WS2811, DZ2809, SM16716, TLS3001, TLS3002, TM1812, TM1809, TM1804, TM1803, TM1914, TM1926, TM1829, TM1906, INK1003, BS0825, BS0815, BS0901, LY6620, DM412, DM413, DM114, DM115, DM13C, DM134, DM135, DM136, 74HC595, 6B595, MBI6023, MBI6024, MBI5001, MBI5168, MBI5016, MBI5026, MBI5027, TB62726, TB62706, ST2221A, ST2221C, XLT5026, ZQL9712, ZQL9712HV, etc. Offline auxiliary software is “LED Build Software”; online auxiliary software is “LED Studio Software”.

Ⅱ. Performance

1.Two-way transmission, any of the cables is broken impacts no slave controller.

2.Eight output ports drive maximum 8192 pixels. Each port controls maximum 8192 divided by number of using ports pixels. Port number could be one, two, four, or eight. Controller output is compatible with DMX512 protocol signal output and normal serial signal output, user can switch among these two types of chips without doing any adjustments. When controlling DMX512 lamps, system invokes RS485 differential circuit and output differential signal. When controlling the normal serial driver IC, such as TM1812, WS2811, LPD6803, DM134, system invokes 74HC245 output circuit. When using TM1812, WS2811 and other types of chips, you can select to output differential signal in software (with differential signal receiver, signal can transmit a long way, which is meaningful for lamp that is long away from controller.

3.Working online or offline, H801RC can be connected to computer, master controller, switch or photoelectric converter.

4.High synchronization performance, the transmission of adjacent slave controller delays within 400 ns, that is to say a cascade of 100 slave controllers delay within 40 microseconds and the image has no tearing or mosaic phenomenon.

5.Good control affect and grayscale level is under precisely control.

6.Far transmission distance. Signal transmitted based on standard Ethernet protocol and the nominal transmission distance is 100 meters. Both slave controller and network repeater can be used as repeater. And the transmission distance can reach to more than 25 kilometers by using photoelectric converter.

7.The clock scanning frequency is adjustable within 100K to 50M Hz.

8.Using grayscale and inverse gamma correction technology to make actual displaying effect more consistent with human physiological sensation.