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A research team headed by Ivy Hsu, Professor at Department of Bioscience Technology of Chung Yuan Christian University is betting on using LEDs to replace expensive laser lights in cancer surgery, reported CTimes.
The professor announced her findings at a press conference held by Taiwan’s Ministry of Technology on Wednesday.
Taiwan has been importing laser devices manufactured in U.S., but the lasers can cost up to NT$ 1.5 million per unit (US $ 45,765.19). The R&D project launched by Hsu aims to initiate the efficacy and performance of LED light sources on photodynamic therapy results.
“The LED light sources have achieved over 2W of 635nm power intensity which is compatible light intensity as laser light but render even better therapeutic results in oral hamster buccal pouches precancer model preclinical trial study,.” the report quoted Ivy Hsu saying.
These findings indicate the Taiwanese market could reduce its reliance on foreign laser light source imports in the future, by replacing the more expensive lighting alternative. The researcher also pointed out, Taiwan is one of the largest LED manufacturers, and has advanced high brightness LED light source technology.
“Thus, we do not need to rely on foreign imports of laser light sources in the future,” Ivy Hsu cited that Taiwan-developed LED light source may replace the expensive laser light source in the future. “Since Taiwan is the world’s largest production country of LED, we have the most advanced LED technology.
According to Hsu, a lighting manufacturer Wonderlight has started designing such a LED device, which weighs only about 1.5 kg and has a user-friendly interface design.
LED light source have a wide peak of 635nm ± 10nm range based on photodynamic theory, which the researcher pointed out makes it more efficient
Based on photodynamic theory, LED light source with a wide peak of 635nm ± 10nm range, and laser light source with a sharp peak of 630nm ± 1nm range, “The energy provided by a LED light source actually have more photodynamic tumor toxicity effect.”
Therefore, LED is expected to be effective in lead to excite a higher amount of photosensitizer at same power density of light, which the researcher said will improve efficacy of photodynamic tumor toxicitiy effect.
Hence, LEDs could potentially be more effective than lasers in exciting a higher amount of photosensitizer at the same power density of laser light, which could improve the efficacy of photodynamic therapy.
Therefore, LED is expected to be effective in lead to excite a higher amount of photosensitizer at same power density of light which will improve efficacy of photodynamic therapy.