Philips is introducing a new logo which licensees can use to show they are a member of the Philips LED Luminaires and Retrofit Bulbs Licensing Program.
The enabLED member logo is an official logo which you can use to make your customers aware of being a member of the LED Luminaires and Retrofit Bulbs Licensing Program. It can be used on your website, catalogue and brochure. It shows your customers that you are an official licensee. It also differentiates you from the competition, giving you a distinct advantage in the marketplace.
The logo is easy to use on your website or on printed literature. It also incorporates a unique QR code linking to our webpage, which protects your identity as one of our valued members.
Licensees can contact us to acquire a personalized logo.
(Source: Philips) |
Rewarding your loyalty, with changes to minimum royalty
We have good news for all our retrofit LED bulbs licensees! New changes to the terms of our licensing program mean you could be paying less for the use and benefit of our IP.
Until now royalty payments for retrofit bulbs was set at 5% of net revenue with a minimum charge of 25 Euro cents* per bulb. Due to changed market conditions we have decided to remove the minimum of 25 Euro cents* for fully compliant licensees for sales of retrofit bulbs after 1 January 2015.
All IP licensees of retrofit bulbs, who are fully compliant with the reporting and payment terms of their licenses will now only need to pay the running royalty on the net revenue with no minimum charge on sales after 1 January 2015.
*Only applicable to and charged on retrofit bulbs manufactured or sold by licensees in countries where Philips has at least one issued patent covering a feature of the bulb.