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The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been a strong advocate for the country’s LED lighting conversion to battle the power starved country’s use of electricity and conserve natural resources, reported local Indian newspaper Nagpur Today.
The Maharashtra State and other BJP ruled states have decided to distribute LED bulbs to local residents at reduced rates to reduce energy consumption.
While taking up this advice of the Prime Minister, the Maharashtra State and other BJP ruled states have decided to distribute the LED lamps to power consumers at reduced rates to encourage the power consumers to save power.
Situated in central western India, Maharashtra state has rolled out LED lamp distribution project across the state in the next few months.
About 74,000 LED lamps will be distributed in Nagpur. Only a fraction of the Indian’s government massive LED upgrade project which plans to replace all incandescent bulbs in the country with LEDs in the next three years.
The State Energy Minister Chandrashekhar Bawankule, MLAs and other Corporators are campaigning and distributing LED lamps to residents. LED Distribution Centers have been opened up at many locations in the city.
Currently, four lamps per connection (on displaying the electricity bill) are being distributed in the state at costs far below market average sell price. The total cost of the LED lamps can be recovered from every connection or consumer at the rate of Rs 10/- per month (included in the electricity bill).
Bawankule noted consumers should be given 10 LED lamps each, due to the large scale energy consumption. The State Government is also engaging in price negotiations with LED bulbs suppliers, with the aim of further lowering costs.
The State Government is asking all government offices and private residences to convert to LED bulbs.