Samsung, LG Electronics return to negotiating table for rare OLED partnership deal

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Photo by: BoliviaInteligente/Unsplash

Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics are two of the leading conglomerates in South Korea. They are usually rivals in the industry, but this time, they are reportedly eyeing a partnership deal for OLED television panels.

The two firms are said to be in talks and may possibly sign a deal before the second half of this year. If the negotiation is successful, it will be a historic deal as they have been competitors since the establishment of their respective companies.

Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics are reportedly joining forces to go against their Chinese rivals that have recently been emerging and topping the OLED TV business sector. The talks started a while ago but were put on hold. They are now back at the negotiating table and picking up where from they left off.

According to The Korea Herald, the talks originally started in 2021, but at that time, the two camps were not able to reach a deal due to some issues, including disagreements with pricing and contract period. Business observers said that with the resumption of talks, there is a higher chance for the partnership to work out this time.

“It is highly likely that Samsung Electronics and LG Display will strike a deal before the second half of this year starts,” SamMobile quoted UBI Research’s chief executive officer, Yi Choong Hoon, as saying regarding the talks between Samsung and LG. “It is also a matter of survival. China is aggressively clawing its way up in the TV and display market, and it is important for Korean companies to make demand and supply for each other to compete.”

Finally, if this rare collaboration pushes through, Samsung will be buying panels for OLED TVs from LG Electronics. This is the very first time that the former is purchasing components for its products from the LG Group.

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