UpLamp is a LED bed side lamp that uses your smartphone's flash to glow. (All Photos Courtesy of UpLamp)
UpLamp launched a campaign on Kickstarter to finance its smartphone driven bedside lamp. The team pledges EUR 36,000 for the UpLamp.
Lamps that detect motions and dim correspondingly may not be new, but UpLamp turns it into a smartphone docking station.
The inner design of the UpLamp.
The LED lamp uses the smartphone’s flash camera as its light source. With specially designed optic and plastic resin, UPLamp creates soft glow that is ideal for bed time mood. UpLamp is compatible with specific iPhone models and Samsung's Galaxy lineup.
The lamp will be shipped by August if it's successfully funded. The early bird peck costs EUR 39 for one UpLamp.