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HexaTech, Inc. has developed a new class of high transparency single crystal Aluminum Nitride (AlN) material.
This new material provides a significant reduction in optical absorption in the UV-C wavelengths, resulting in dramatic improvements in the processing and performance of UV-C optoelectronic components.
according to the company,this enhanced material will offer an improvement of lifetime and power output for UV-C LEDs. For the rapidly growing water purification market, the requirement for extended lifetime and improved efficiency are critical market enabling parameters. This new high transparency bulk AlN substrate material has demonstrated improved output performance for UV-C LEDs, by increasing short wavelength transparency, and limiting the amount of substrate thinning required for optimal UV-C emission.
The improved material performance, after correction for reflection losses, exhibits absorption coefficient values of <100 cm-1 (50 cm-1 typical) @ 265 nm, and is measurably superior to previous generations of single crystal AlN.