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According to Viper Networks, its first office building clients which purchased the LED-O(R) T8 Tube products nearly six months ago, has received an annual 35% ROI (return on investment) based on reduced lighting cost and lower KWH usage charges.
Over the last four months of 2011 (including mid-month installation in September, and October, November and December) compared to the corresponding months in 2010,reduced monthly electric utility bills have continued to grow.
With an initial lighting investment of $12,400.00 to replace all existing T8 tubes in their office building located at 2300 W. White Avenue in McKinney, Texas; the customer is on pace to reach 100% payback status in only 2.87 years.
With an average lifetime expectation projected to exceed 12 years, reaching a payback time in less than 3 years is truly remarkable. Additionally, reduced energy expenses do not reflect the savings achieved by less maintenance cost, which is another hallmark of LED-O(R) brand products.
Further, any rate increases or higher KWH usage charges or greater hours per day usage and/or days per week will only serve to directly increase savings for an even quicker payback time period and greater cash flow improvements.
The LED-O(R) T8 Tube retrofits in existing fixtures (with no ballast), replaces all T8 and T12 Tubes, can be used with any voltage 85-277 V, is 100% recyclable, works in minus -40 degree temperatures.