Albeo’s High Bay LED Lights provide up to 95% energy savings compared to fluorescent or metal halide (HID)
Albeo Technologies, a leader in solid-state industrial and commercial lighting solutions, announced significant sales growth in 2011, making it the company’s most profitable year to date. Total company revenue increased 50 percent from 2010 and sales for retrofit and renovation grew 300 percent. All in all, Albeo shipped 26,675 fixtures in 2011 and added 10 new engineering jobs.
Albeo LED fixtures currently light over 7 million square feet of space, the equivalent of 121 American football fields. Much of Albeo’s success in 2011 comes from the company’s ability to offer a wide range of LED lighting solutions that are flexible enough to shine the exact right amount of light in variety of applications. Albeo LED Lighting systems are cost-effective, energy efficient and feature a return on investment (ROI) as short as one year. Strong markets for Albeo in 2011 included Fortune 500 data centers, cold storage facilities, parking structures, schools and large manufacturing facilities.
“We are thrilled to be demonstrating such strong and continued growth,” said Jeff Bisberg, Co-Founder and CEO of Albeo Technologies. “Few cleantech startups are growing exponentially. In 2011, our 50 percent increase in revenues resulted in 10 new green jobs in engineering and we expect continued job creation in 2012. We have been profitable for two years now and are grateful to all of our customers who are supporting our success.”
The popularity of Albeo products comes from the ability to fully customize each LED fixture before and after installation. Such modular innovations help architects, facility managers and lighting designers to maximize both energy savings and functionality, while minimizing lighting maintenance costs. In addition, Albeo’s motion sensors and other power saving controls help facilities reduce lighting energy use up to 95%. The spectrum of Albeo products range from high bay, low bay and surface mount fixtures, to display cabinets and task lighting.