GE Lighting recently announced that its latest Immersion™ LED Refrigerated Display Lighting RV30 Series is now available across Europe for environmentally responsible retailing.
According to the company, the installation of GE’s Immersion™ LED Refrigerated Display Lighting at Walmart represents the single largest application of white LEDs replacing fluorescent lighting in a retail display setting. Walmart has installed GE Lighting’s Immersion™ LEDs at 500 US stores and expects to net up to 66% in energy savings. Also in the US, United Supermarkets, based in Texas, has retrofitted low and medium temperature refrigerated display cases in all of its 47 stores with Immersion™ LEDs, and expects to save more than $633,000 in energy and maintenance costs annually.

Running on 29 watts per 1.5m door, Immersion’s low operating wattage reduces energy consumption from case lighting up to 60 percent compared with T8 fluorescent systems—145 watts for the RV30 Series compared with 360 watts for fluorescent in a typical 5-door freezer. This wattage reduction eases the workload of the compressor that removes heat from inside the case, providing up to an additional 100 watts of indirect energy savings.

The Immersion™ RV30 Series is available in 3500K, 4100K and 5000K colour temperatures that deliver uniform light levels of up to 1150 lux (Initial illuminance (lux) +/- 15% based on typical in-store performance). The system’s innovative optic design keeps light directed on the displayed packages, while reducing distracting glare and light spill. Its lights are optimized to enable a 70-percent light level uniformity across the package facings.