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High Score Corporation has entered into a licensing agreement to develop a line of Energy Saving LED Street Lights and Parking Lot Lights with NexPhase Lighting.
In spite of earnest efforts on the part of management this funding has not fully materialized. As a result, the previous President of the company, Dror Svorai, stepped down from his position as CEO and created an LED Lighting Factory.
This new factory, NexPhase Lighting has entered into a favored agreement with Hi Score wherein Hi Score will become a beneficial owner of a line of American Made Energy Efficient LED Street Lights and Parking Lot Lights.
Hi Score has been attempting to enter into an agreement with a local manufacturing company through its subsidiary Green Led Technologies (GLT). GLT will own all Intellectual Property Rights to these lines of products at a price that Hi Score can afford without obtaining additional funding.
The American Made Energy Efficient Street Light Line will be produced under The Green Led Technology Label. The prototype is expected to through testing by October and is expected to be ready for distribution by the end of the year.
This will enable the company to begin distributing the line through its contracted wholesale distributor within the first quarter of 2011. The company's business plan has set a goal of selling one million Street lights over the next ten years which should generate over half a billion dollars in revenue during that period.