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Lately, the president of Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI) Mr. Alcantaro Correa has led Brazil business delegation , exclusively came to visit Aeon Lighting Technology (ALT) head office in Taiwan and listened company profile presentation.
During the presentation, all delegation members were impressed by the stability and performance of ALT high power LED lighting products.
In Q&A section, Mr. James Liang, the CEO of ALT, answered all questions that delegation members concerned about, and elaborated the expectation of "LED Green Revolution".
Liang said, "Brazil still has so much valuable natural resource, such as the lung of earth—Amazon Rainforest. The resource was accumulated from million years ago but vanished in a very short time recently. It is the loss for all human being!" He continued, "I always believe that the progress of technology is to improve human living environment, not destruction. That's also the reason that I work so hard to promote LED Green Revolution. Switching to high power LED lighting not only saves energy for human beings but also brings a no mercury and pollution to next generation."
The president of CNI not only agreed with the Green Revolution idea, but also proposed some perspective distribution channel in Brazil that could assist to promote high power LED lighting product and let Brazilian enjoy the benefit from LED lighting as soon as possible.
As a result, ALT officially becomes the fist high power LED lighting manufacturer based in Taiwan to enter Brazilian market and project to Latin America market.