Power Integrations introduced its LYTSwitch-0 ICs on June 18, a new series of devices within the LYTSwitch family. LYTSwitch-0 ICs come with a unique combination of simplicity, reliability and efficiency. These new LED driver ICs would be the optimal choice for cost-sensitive, non-isolated, non-dimmable GU10 bulbs and other space-constrained bulb applications.
LYTSwitch-0 devices feature efficiencies of more than 90% and deliver constant current with better than +/-5% regulation in typical applications. Power factor is greater than 0.8 at 115 VAC and 0.55 at 230 VAC, meeting ENERGYSTAR™ V1 draft 3 consumer lighting standards for North America and Ecodesign Directive Lot 19 part 2 for Europe.
Andrew Smith, product marketing manager of Power Integrations, stated that RDR-355 is a GU10 LED driver consisting of LYTSwitch-0 IC and 13 units of components. Since the device has the characteristics of small size and high efficiency, no heat or potting process should be applied for this LED driver, thereby the manufacturing costs can be reduced.
These LED driver ICs are mainly applied in low-cost LED bulbs like GU10 lamps and candle lamp. RDR-355 is a 6W non-dimmable LED driver, LYTSwitch-0 IC samples adopting SO-8 and DIP packaging are available now, the unit price is $ 0.29 when the order is not less than 10,000 pieces.