The new LED streetlights are on the right, with existing streetlights on the left. (Photo courtesy of The City of Round Rock) |
Round Rock, a city in Texas, U.S., is one of the first cities to conduct smart LED streetlight tests, according to Round Rock Patch’s report.
One of Planled's outdoor LED lights with wireless IP camera. Please note this is only an example of the potential streetlight mentioned in the news as the exact model is not specified by the city or the company.(Photo Courtesy of Planled)
Cooperating with Planles, GigaTerra and Opterra, a total of 100 trial LED streetlights were installed on Double Creek and Forest Creek drives at no cost to the city. The trialed LED streetlights, mounted with video camera and color signaling systems were installed on roadway poles. The design allows for emergency signaling under different circumstances.
The new streetlights, together with advanced security system can alert road users of emergencies through the emergency whistle system. But instead of warning by sound, the system triggers red beacon signals on the streetlights which is controlled wirelessly. The system is able to alert and remind drivers to make way for emergency vehicles and stay away from certain areas due to various weather conditions and accidents.
The LED luminaire itself not only saves energy, but reduces flicker. The city is pleased to provide Planled with an opportunity to demonstrate the advanced LED technology, according to Brooks Bennett, assistant city manager of Round Rock. While these intelligent devices are capable of saving money and better security, it is highly expected to see what kind of a difference they can bring to the local residents.