Sogeprom, major property developer subsidiary of Société Générale Group and Lucibel, French LED lighting specialist, present a high bandwidth LiFi light prototype, a technology for wireless communication through light with game changing advantages vs WiFi.
Sogeprom, an early tester for high bandwidth LiFi at its Paris premises
Innovative and ecofriendly technology, LiFi modulates LED light to transmit information (video, localization, sound) to a specific receiver that delivers the signal to a computer, smart phone or tablet pc.
Available for a few years as a unidirectional low bandwidth technology (VLC visible Light Communication), this connected light technology takes a new dimension with Lucibel.
People accessing the Internet with Lucibel Li-Fi lights. (Lucibel/LEDinside) |
French LED lighting specialist, presents one of the first next generation LiFi lights, bidirectional and high bandwidth for wireless communication through light, a major innovation that stroke the interest of Sogeprom; meeting rooms at Sogeprom's Paris office have been equipped last June and users feedback proved positive.
Pierre Sorel, Sogeprom's Deputy CEO, comments:" We take the challenge on innovation at all levels. The installation of high bandwidth LiFi in our offices goes fits that vision and perfectly fits with our client's demands of increased mobility, system security and connectivity. We will not stop there as Lucibel will first install high bandwidth in our future headquarter in La Défense and will later propose the same installation to all our regional branches."
High bandwidth LiFi has major benefits to trigger user's technology adoption
High bandwidth LiFi opens new horizons for connectivity and internet access, notably:
· An alternative to radio waves, with potentially harmful effects
Visible light wavelengths are harmless to humans, even beneficial at specific wavelengths. LiFi comes as an alternative to radio waves which is a key characteristic to sensitive environments such as hospitals, medical centers, schools, some industrial installations…
· A solution to confidentiality issues
As Wifi signal crosses walls and ceilings, LiFi signals can only be received in the area lit. It hence has a limited range and is fully secured, yet allows for roaming. There is therefore no risk for remote piracy through the LiFi system. This solution is of great interest to sensitive operations such as R&D, defense, banks, security systems…).
· A solution to WiFi bandwidth overload
Visible light covers a wavelength range 10.000 times larger than that of WiFi, which allows for optimal users coverage no matter the number of users.
· A solution to limited internet speed
In theory, LED can transmit up to 1 GB/s, 10 times more than WiFi.
LiFi is also ecofriendly as it does not raise energy consumption of equipped premises.
Frédéric Granotier, Chairman and CEO of Lucibel has conviction that "LiFi brings promising prospects to all internet users which Sogeprom, one of the first companies to test our technology, fully understood. We are proud of their trust in Lucibel and are happy to collaborate with them on future projects. Key player of the LED revolution, Lucibel is to build the way for the major innovation that is LiFi. With successful first projects, Lucibel launches an industrial program for the production of prototype LiFi light fixtures at its Barentin (Normandy) industrial site."