UV-C LED technology provider, AquiSense Technologies, announced that it has participated in ten aerospace projects to support UV-C LED application in the space.

According to AquiSense, the company was selected to participate in BIOWYSE, a Horizon 2020 project dedicated to designing and testing a water monitoring and treatment system for next-generation manned space stations in 2015. Since then, several other aerospace projects have looked for leading water treatment technology from AquiSense. These projects include product design and hardware supply to both private space companies, such as Bigelow Aerospace, Thales Alenia Space Italia, KBR Wyle, and Aero Sekur, and various NASA groups, including those at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Johnson Space Center, and Marshall Space Flight Center.
The applications of UV-C LEDs in these projects range from keeping growth systems clean in space-bound greenhouses, to decreasing the maintenance burden from nuisance biofilm formation in enclosed systems, to disinfecting the water that astronauts drink on the International Space Station.
According to LEDinside’s latest report, 2019 Deep UV LED Application Market- Sterilization, Purification, and Water Treatment Markets, the major growth momentum of UV LED will be surface/air sterilization, static water sterilization and flowing water sterilization. The market value of UV LED is projected to reach US$ 991 million in 2023.
2019 Deep UV LED Application Market- Sterilization, Purification, and Water Treatment Markets
Release Date: 10 April 2019
Languages: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 169
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