The new Apple facility in Taiwan was said to be finished in December 2019 but analyst of LEDinside visited the site and noted that the building may not be completed at the scheduled time.
Two weeks ago LEDinside covered that Apple is building a new plant in Taiwan which might be used for developing Micro LED products. The planned complete time was set on December 2, 2019; however, according to analyst of LEDinside who visited the site last week, the facility would take at least two to three months to be able to operate.

(The new Apple facility in the front)

(Apple facility in the back)
The facility is composed by five buildings with six floors on the ground and three underground. LEDinside analyst observed that the buildings seem done looking from the outside but the utilities pipelines are yet connected. The integration of the lines and pipes will take another two months or more. As a result, the new Apple facility might not begin operation soon as expected.