The outbreak of novel coronavirus continues to escalate and the production in China is postponing due to the epidemic, leading to expected production and supply chain delay. US-based lighting companies, Cooper Lighting Solutions and Satco, posted a notice respectively to inform their customers of the possible interruption of product supply.

Cooper Lighting Solution noted in its “Coronavirus Update” that due to travel and logistics suspensions enacted by Chinese authorities, its suppliers have not resume production yet. This delay in operations capabilities will drive an interruption in the supply chain for some products in the coming weeks.
The company said that it will try to minimize the delays and is working on prioritizing the production schedule to support its customers as best as it can. Meanwhile, Cooper Lighting also indicated that it will increase capabilities of its manufacturing facilities in North America with local components and materials.
Satco also sent a letter to its customers elaborating the on-going situation in China due to the coronavirus outbreak. Since employees traveling back to work from other area will remain in quarantine for 14 days under the government’s supervision even when factories resume production, lack of work force is foreseen.
Satco indicated that it has significant stock levels in its domestic warehouses and is working with its supplier to ship high priority items first. However, the company still anticipated impacts on the supply chain and will take measure to ensure return to normal inventory levels.