Japan Display (JDI) is going to sell its LCD plant in Hakusan, Japan, to Sharp and Apple, so that the Japanese display maker can pay off its debt to Apple. The total transfer price is estimated to be JPY 71 billion (US$ 672 million).

(Image: JDI)
The plant will be transferred to Sharp, who is also a display supplier of Apple, by the end of September. With the transaction, Sharp will take over most of the debt of JDI which JDI borrowed from Apple when building the plant. The plant was originally built for supplying LCD panels for iPhone. But Sharp seems to have achieved a deal with Apple that Sharp can also supply the products manufactured by the plant to other clients.
Sharp commented that the acquisition will strengthen its display business. As Sharp is also developing Micro LED display technology, the spare space of the plant may be used for the new facilities for Micro LED. The company also plans to move part of its LCD production lines of iPhone in Kameyama plant to the new plant.