LED package company Everlight reported that Seoul Semiconductor has shared false information regarding the case of misappropriation.
The Korean Suwon District Court convicted three former Everlight employees of misappropriation of Seoul Semiconductor’s trade secret. In response to the issue, Everlight said it will file an appeal. Everlight noted that the press release of Seoul Semiconductor include misleading false information.

(Image: LEDinside)
Firstly, Everlight was sentenced only 3% of the maximum criminal fine permitted under Korean law, which is different from the claim of Seoul Semiconductor. Second, the three employed involved in the case were not poached by Everlight but initiatively applied the positions in 2016.
Finally, the misappropriation was not related to Seoul Semiconductor’s WICOP technology as the company claimed. And Everlight has begun the development and sales of its automotive products before the three former employees were recruited.
As the press release announced by Seoul Semiconductor provide false and misleading information, Everlight addressed that it will initiate lawsuits to protect its customers’ and shareholders’ benefits and rights.