LEDs Assemblies from TT electronics Provide An Illuminating Solution to ATM Manufacturer’s Backlighting Challenge
LED lighting there are vast and varied ways to use LED lighting and it seems everyone wants it in their products. It appears simple – just take the LED components, put it on a thermal management system, add some power and there you have it. Yet, many companies have found that without the right resources and technical knowledge the task of designing in a LED lighting assembly is a little more complex than just a few steps. That is the lesson a leading ATM manufacturer learned after they spent 18 months working on a project to backlight a display on their next generation ATM machines. Their breakthrough came when they saw a sample of a product developed by TT electronics OPTEK Technology, the OPA775 / OPA776.
“The ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ LED strips turned out to be exactly what the ATM manufacturer had been trying to design,” explained Roland Chapa, product line director for visible LED products. “The three-LED strips are tightly binned to produce consistent light, and they are pre-wired with an easy-to-install IDC connector interface, so we were able to deliver to them a standard, already-tooled completed LED assembly for them to install. Our team was also able to provide assistance with thermal management of the assemblies, which was critical because of the limited space available to mount the LEDs within their already-tooled product housing.”
The OPA775 and OPA776 Series LED assemblies represent a cost-effective backlighting solution for other applications, such as accent lighting, under-counter lighting, media illumination, and large channel letter lighting.
The OPA775 Series strips are three-LED assemblies, with the ability to have from one to 30 strips connected per buss. Designed for operation at 12VDC, each assembly consists of a 7.5” FR-4 board with Zierick 1286T connectors, enabling the construction of the “Jacob’s Ladder.” Each assembly exhibits a luminous flux of 50 lumens and 125mA drive current, and the total current drawn by 30 strips is 3.75A. The OPA775 Series strips are shipped in sets of 30.
The OPA776 Series strips are six-LED assemblies, with the ability from two to 60 strips connected per buss. Designed to operate at 24VDC, each assembly has a luminous flux of 100 lumens, and a drive current of 125mA per strip. One OPA776 Series assembly consists of two strips of 7.5” FR-4 board with three LEDs per strip connected by a jumper wire. The OPA776 strips are shipped in sets of 60, and the total current drawn by 60 strips is 3.75A.
For further information please visit: http://www.optekinc.com/contactus.aspx, or email the TT electronics North America Sales Office at sales@ttelectronics-na.com. To access the data sheet and other product information for the, visit: http://www.optekinc.com/viewparts.aspx?categoryID=79

About OPTEK Technology
OPTEK Technology, a division of TT electronics, is a leading manufacturing and solutions provider for sensing and illumination covering the infrared, visible and ultraviolet spectrum; with standard as well as application specific products for a variety of markets, including, but not limited to office machines, industrial equipment, encoders, automotive electronics, military and high-reliability applications, medical diagnostic equipment and solid-state lighting. Headquartered in Carrollton, TX, the company is ISO/TS16949:2002 and BS EN ISO 9001:2000 certified, as well as ITAR registered.
About TT electronics PLC
TT electronics plc is a focused, global electronics group supplying leading manufacturers in the defense, aerospace, medical, transportation and industrial markets. The Group consists of five divisions: Components, Sensors, Secure Power, Integrated Manufacturing Services and General Industrial each delivering technology, products and services to customers in target markets worldwide. TT electronics plc operates from headquarters based in Weybridge, Surrey, with more than 20 global manufacturing locations and more than 6,000 employees worldwide.Additional information is available from our corporate website: http://www.ttelectronics.com/.