A daily household object has taken on a new twist thanks to designers Idan Noyberg and Gal Bulka. They have designed a solar powered clothespin called Lightly which includes a small colored LEDs. Small solar panels are attached to the top of the clothespin and throughout the day collect energy from the sun. As the sun goes down, a sensor then sends the energy to a small battery pack which then illuminates the LED lights. The design adds a unique vision to the cityscape while remaining environmentally friendly.
The clothespin have small solar panels attached at the top to collect solar energy. (photo courtesy: DesignBoom/Idan Noyberg and Gal Bulka)
The light up clothespins provide a beautiful aesthetic appeal to the cityscape at night. (DesignBoom/Idan Noyberg and Gal Bulka) |
The electrical make up of the clothespin. (DesignBoom/Idan Noyberg and Gal Bulka) |