EDAG Wraps Vehicles in Cocoon of Light

The automotive lighting sector’s internal and external applications has attracted many LED manufacturers to enter, but most applications only cover a part of the vehicle. German engineering firm EDAG innovative 3D printed backlight technology for cars, however, is capable of wrapping the entire vehicle in light.

EDAG has been mum about the lighting technology used in its concept lightweight weatherproof automotive textile named “EDAG Light Cocoon,” and has only shed light that the paper thin 3D printed textile skin to give cars a glowing touch is made with outdoor specialists Jack Wolfskin’s outdoor textile “Texapore Softshell.”

EDAG Light Cocoon will be presented at Geneva Motor Show 2015. (EDAG/LEDinside)

"We are pursuing the vision of sustainability – as demonstrated by nature: lightweight, efficient, and without any waste," explained EDAG's head designer, Johannes Barckmann. "The result: the 'EDAG Light Cocoon' presents a stable, branch-like load bearing structure from the 3D printer, which only uses material where it is absolutely necessary."

The Jack Wolfskin textile is four times lighter than standard copier paper, and weighs no more than 19 19 g/m², said EDAG CTO Jörg Ohlsen. "Combined with the topologically optimised, additively manufactured structure, it offers enormous potential and stimulus for the ultimate lightweight construction of the future."

EDAG Light Cocoon will be displayed at Geneva Motor Show 2015.

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