BSEEN with LED Fanny Pack

A LED fanny pack might sound a bit lame, but this waist pack, BSEEN, aims to do more than just make athletes visible on the road.

A woman wearing a BSEEN bag and checking her phone. (All photos courtesy of BSEEN via Indiegogo)

U.S. LED manufacturer Ming D&Y and Ohio.-based design team Trident Design have teamed up to bring the multi-functional LED waist bag to the masses.

According to The National Safety Council in U.S. chances of a pedestrian being struck and killed increases 1,100% after dark.

A woman cycling with BSEEN. 

With the intent of keeping athletes and other pedestrians visible at night, the fanny pack LED flashes in three modes and is visible from 228.6 meters away.

BSEEN Boost model is equipped with a battery pack that can be used to recharge phones during runs or cycling. 

Another handy feature is the water-proof pack can also act as a smartphone charger, and is equipped with a 4000 mAh removable backup battery. The charger can keep smartphones fully charged, or charge up the LED lights for it to last 180 hours.

Being after all a waist band, the pack can also carry a lot of miscellaneous items, such as keys, phones, iPods and other things athletes do not want to carry in their pockets or hold while training.

The bag can be used in various applications including making pedistrians visible at night. A child wearing a fanny pack.

There are two BSEEN models available at the moment. The more economic BSEEN Basic bag (which is not equipped with a battery pack) will cost early supporters of its Indiegogo campaign US $20, while the more sophisticated version around US $35. The company has raised US $11,622 out of its US $25,000 goal.

(Author: Judy Lin, Chief Editor, LEDinside)

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