The AT&T Center, home to the award-winning San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, the San Antonio Spurs, Stars, and Rampage, shines a little brighter. As part of a $110 million infrastructure and technology renovation project, new state-of-the-art light-emitting diode (LED) lighting was installed at the Bexar County-owned arena. The LEDs maximize energy efficiency and enhance the entertainment experience at the venue.
The project, a partnership between Spurs Sports & Entertainment and Bexar County, earned a slam dunk $312,673 rebate for replacing 500 metal haide lights in the arena’s ceiling. Making the switch to LEDs is expected to save 262,000 kWh and $26,000 per year for the facility.(Photo Courtesy of CSP Energy)
The project, a partnership between Spurs Sports & Entertainment and Bexar County, earned a slam dunk $312,673 rebate for replacing 500 metal haide lights in the arena’s ceiling. Making the switch to LEDs is expected to save 262,000 kWh and $26,000 per year for the facility.
“It is great to see Bexar County’s investment in the AT&T Center paying dividends, whether it is through increased energy efficiency or an enhanced fan experience,” said County Judge Nelson Wolff.
For the AT&T Center, the yearly kWh savings combined with the rebate should pay for the lighting improvements within three short years.
By participating in our Commercial Rebate Program, San Antonio businesses receive incentives to help offset the cost of energy efficiency upgrades.
“This project is a perfect example of how our rebate programs can help encourage our corporate partners to make energy efficiency decisions that not only benefit their companies, but the community as well. The cheapest energy is the energy we never have to generate, and that keeps bills affordable,” said CPS Energy Account Manager Joe Jones.
To learn more about our commercial rebates, or about how replacing your current lighting systems with energy-efficient lamps can result in significant savings, visit
Lighting upgrades can save energy and money in your home, too! According to ENERGY STAR, replacing the bulbs in your home’s five most-frequently-used light fixtures with high efficiency bulbs can save you as much as $70 a year.