BeON Home, creator of the first home protection system that provides preventative security, safety and emergency lighting, released a key fob accessory to make home protection activation even simpler and more intuitive. Drawing on the company's extensive design experience, the new BeON key fob allows users of all ages to instantly activate the BeON system without the need for a smart phone or tablet.
BeON Home key fob. (BeOn/LEDinside) |
"Mobile apps, while necessary for customization, slow down the activation process and aren't always convenient for easily accessing your smart home. Daily usage of smart home technology needs to be seamless in order for the mass market to adopt," said Alexei Erchak, BeON Home CEO. "A key fob is a pre-programmed behavior that many of us already use daily to lock and unlock our cars and now with the BeON Key fob, setting your home to away and welcome home mode is the same intuitive, one-button action. Put simply, we've added another feature to make the BeON Home Protection System truly a part of your daily routine."
The new BeON key fob accessory has two buttons: one for quick activation of "Away Mode", which activates the preventative security features of the BeON Home Protection System and one for "Welcome Home", which turns on lights in the home upon arrival and takes the system out of security mode and into home safety mode.
The BeON Home Protection System is a complete security and safety lighting system that prevents break-ins while you're away and provides emergency lighting when you're home. BeON's smart modules click into their energy-efficient LED bulbs and learn your normal light switch activity to create a natural and believable replay schedule. While you're away, BeON pretends you're still home by replaying your lighting patterns and responding to the doorbell to scare away potential intruders. When you return home, BeON's safety lighting turns on during power outages and middle of the night smoke alarms. With the latest BeON key fob add-on, one-touch arming of the system's security and safety features when coming and going is now possible without using the mobile app.
The BeON key fob accessory is now available for $29.00 USD or in a BeON Family Kit, which comes with three smart modules, three LED light bulbs and two key fobs for $249.00 USD. Additional BeON smart modules are available for $75.00 and include a BeON bulb. Each can be easily added to the system for more home protection and used in indoor or outdoor in weather-proof fixtures for more protection.
For more information on BeON Home or to order your system, please visit Follow BeON on Facebook and Twitter.