Taiwanese LED packaging company, EVERLIGHT, plans to increase the production capacity and revenue of automotive lighting and invisible LED including UV, IR and sensor for the second half of 2018.
Influenced by Chinese LED makers in lighting market, EVERLIGHT’s annual earnings in 2017 declined 6.9% YoY and its earning per share (ESP) dropped 34% at NTD 2.74. In response to the decrease, Robert Yeh, the CEO of EVERLIGHT, said that the low price competition of Chinese LED makers had created a chaos in the lighting market and the company therefore decided to back off a bit and put more efforts on products with higher margin including automotive lighting and IR LED.
Yeh revealed that the company will reduce the capacity of conventional lighting and LED backlights to 10% of its revenue respectively and increase the production of invisible LED and automotive lighting. According to him, there will be 20% growth on UV/IR/sensor and 30% on automotive lighting with orders from automobile manufacturers in Europe and the U.S. including headlight and interior light.
EVERLIGHT also illustrated its progress on Mini LED. It is expected by Q4 there will be Mini LED application on automotive lighting and handheld devices released. As for Micro LED, the company said the development is ongoing but due to the limitation of mass transfer process, nothing materialized will be disclosed soon.