LightingEurope is promoting the benefits of UVC disinfection and advocating the integration of the technologies in the EU Renovation Wave. Aiming to stimulate market demand and fair market access in Europe, LightingEurope also calls for including UVC technologies in to the application and enforcement of existing safety rules and standards.
“Our challenge is to switch regulator’s perception of UV-C beyond special applications to mass market solutions for buildings and transport, where the concentration of human activity raises the risk of contamination,” said Lionel Brunet, President of LightingEurope.

(Image: Pixabay)
LightingEurope has already published a Position Paper on the benefits of using UVC disinfection to combat COVID-19 and is reaching out to European regulators. The organization advocates the European Commission to include in the EU Renovation Wave a clear reference to the installation of UVC disinfection technologies. Also, member state authorities of the EU should to include in their national renovation and climate plans the installation of UVC disinfection technologies. In addition, LightingEurope calls on markets surveillance authorities to ensure existing rules are applied and enforced correctly.
LightingEurope also noted that it fully supports the publications of the Global Lighting Association including UVC Safety Guidelines which provides guidance on the safe use of UVC products and Germicidal UV-C Irradiation: Sources, Products and Applications with an overview of the applications of UVC disinfection technologies.