LEDinside offers free services for our members to post their product information on LEDeXchange, which helps open the door of internet marketing. The number of unique visitors on LEDinside has reached 1.7 million a year; among which, more than 80% of our visitors are from LED related industries, and the number is still increasing.
LEDeXchange offers featured suppliers an exclusive platform to advertise products and increase company exposure. Through high page views by visitors on LEDinside, our featured suppliers will enhance their publicity and further explore their business.
If you are interested in becoming a featured supplier on LEDinside, please see our Membership Registration for more detail, or contact us.

Login > Verification > Once you become an LED supplier, you can start to post your company information, and build up your client base.

To stand out from other LED companies, and offer our visitors more information on your products, services, and sales promotion, become a featured supplier.
Featured supplier’s exclusive services :
1. Advertising banner on LEDeXchange homepage
2. Company information on featured suppliers section (in rotation) |
3. Showcase of the latest products on featured supplier’s forum

4. Priority placement on search engines
