Molekule, a science and clean technology company, today introduced the world's first molecular air purifier. Molekule's patented technology brings a fundamentally new approach to air purification by completely eliminating the full spectrum of indoor pollutants, breaking them down on a molecular level.
Molekule unveils an air purifier that is activated by light. (All Photos Courtesy of Molekule)
In addition to the launch of its flagship product, the company announced $3.25 million in seed funding, bringing the total funding to date to $3.75 million. The round is led by SoftTech VC, Crosslink Capital and CSC Upshot. The company is also funded by additional grants from the U.S. E.P.A.
The E.P.A. estimates that the air indoors can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air. On average, people spend 90 percent of their time indoors and are exposed to harmful pollutants that affect everyone.
"Indoor air pollution is a global problem, resulting in deteriorating respiratory and health conditions," said Dilip Goswami, CEO and co-founder, Molekule. "The HEPA filter, today's market leading technology, was developed in the 1940s as a part of the Manhattan Project and hasn't evolved much since. It has become a commodity found in most households and air purifiers, yet the EPA still reports that indoor air is up to 5x worse than outdoor air. It's time for a new approach."
Current air purifying technologies like HEPA rely on filters that capture and collect pollutants, where they can accumulate, multiply and eventually get released back into the air. Molekule's technology is capable of eliminating pollutants 1000 times smaller than what current filters can catch. By fully eliminating indoor air pollutants, Molekule doesn't just offer noticeable relief to asthma and allergy sufferers but provides a safe living environment for everyone.
The new technology at work is PECO (Photo Electrochemical Oxidation), a process developed out of 20 years of research and development led by Dr. Yogi Goswami, a globally recognized expert in solar technology. PECO works when a nanoparticle-coated filter is activated by light, generating a chemical reaction on the surface of the filter, breaking down pollutants including allergens bacteria, viruses, mold and VOCs. Molekule has four worldwide exclusive patents to this technology and one additional patent pending.
The air purifier, though comes with an overwhelming price tag, improves the living quality of people suffers from asthma.
"For over a decade, the EPA has recognized that indoor air is often 5 times -- and in some cases even 100 times -- more polluted than the air outside. Since people spend more than 80% of their time indoors, it is essential that they breathe healthy air in homes and other enclosed spaces," said April Richards, EPA SBIR Program Manager. "Molekule's technology has the potential to offer an efficient method of purifying indoor air. EPA's Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Program, which provided the initial funding for this project, helps support the development and commercialization of technologies like these, which support the Agency's mission of protecting human health and the environment."
Molekule is carefully designed to seamlessly integrate into today's living environments. Its technology allows Molekule to work extremely fast and quietly while it cleans and recirculates the air of a 600 square foot room every 60 minutes. Molekule can be connected to Wi-Fi and can become smarter over time and respond to the individual needs of people's household. The companion iOS app allows you to control the device remotely and seamlessly manage filter replacements.
A limited quantity of Molekule is available for pre-order at a special price of $499.00 USD with one year of filters free. Molekule will retail for $799.00 USD and ship in early 2017. Based on usage and the environment, the device automatically determines when filters need to be replaced and comes with intelligent filter replacement. Filters will be automatically mailed to consumers on an annual subscription basis for $99.00 USD per year.
"Clean air is an absolute necessity to our health and well-being, and access to clean air is a basic human right," said Dr. Yogi Goswami. "I have personally seen the impact clear air can have as I saw my son growing up with asthma and allergies and finally being able to feel some relief with the air purifier. I hope this technology brings this gift to every family and every home."