The scale of the global market for commercial LED lighting continues to grow with the development outlook for light tubes and troffer/panel lights very positive, says LEDinside, a division of TrendForce. The latest analysis by LEDinside in its Silver Member Report: Commercial Lighting Sector’s Light Tubes and Integrated Luminaires estimates that the scale of the global market for all LED lighting products will reach US$25.65 billion in 2015. And within this market, the light tube and troffer/panel lights will make up US$3.44 billion and US$450 million respectively. Both categories are currently seeing stable market growth.
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There are a number of advantages within parking lot lighting than you might have initially thought. These can come in the form of design, professionalism, and security. Just as installing lighting will have advantages in the safety of pedestrians, it can also include advances in design, professional status and attraction of a business. Have a look at the following pro’s of parking lot lighting, and why it is something you should consider.
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