LED street lighting has been in the news a lot lately, in the wake of the American Medical Association (AMA) issuing community guidance that cited the potential for increased blue-wavelength light in the night sky resulting from the ongoing conversion of high-pressure sodium street lighting to LED. The applicability of that guidance, however, critically depends on the accuracy of a number of underlying assumptions and other relevant factors that, unfortunately, are not covered in the AMA document.
On October 20, DOE will host a webinar to examine key issues re...
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On December 10, there will be a 60-minute live webinar to provide information on interior lighting, with a focus on troffers and how new technology can significantly reduce energy use in higher education spaces. Colleges and universities in the U.S. spend around $1.10 per square foot on electricity, with lighting representing 31% of energy usage.
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Before the advent of LED, electric lighting was just that: an electrical signal that traveled through a wire to a lamp, where some of its energy was converted into light. But the fundamental electronic capabilities of LEDs are enabling new modes of lighting, simultaneously using that electric signal to encode the light for sending and gathering information.
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In the past decade, LED has become popular as an energy-saving, long-life light source that is also increasingly affordable. In more and more applications, this new technology is now the lighting of choice. But hot on its heels is a new innovation that is based on the next generation of light-emitting diodes: OLED. Also, the Philips Lumiblade range is on the cutting edge.
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