Solar-Tectic LLC ("ST") announced that a paper reporting a breakthrough thin-film transistor (TFT) technology, that promises greatly to improve current processes used the industry, has been published in the peer reviewed journal Materials Letters. The title of the paper is: "High mobility crystalline silicon film growth below 600°C from an Au-Si eutectic melt for TFTs".
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Solar-Tectic LLC ("ST") and Blue Wave Semiconductors, Inc., ("BWS") announced that a breakthrough material for dramatically improving the performance of thin-film transistors (TFTs) used in almost all displays on the market today, such as LCD, LED and OLED, has been patented by the USPTO.
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Solar-Tectic LLC announced a breakthrough OLED display technology that promises to revolutionize the industry by replacing the standard LTPS (low temperature polysilicon) process used world-wide by the major display manufacturers and thereby solving the industry's "backplane problem."
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