VueReal announced that its multi device cartridge structure enables faster population of a display with higher yield and higher alignment accuracy.
Most applications such as displays require more than one sub pixels with different devices per sub pixels. In case of Micro LED display, red, green, and blue Micro LEDs are required for each pixel. Moreover, most of these devices are fabricated in different environments using different material sets for higher performance. The common approach is to transfer each device independently to a large substrate. For a 4K MicroLED d...
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Like several other international event, Display Week 2020 hosted by the Society for Information Display (SID) turned virtual this year and is taking place online from August 3 to 7, 2020.
The virtual version of Display Week still features keynote speeches delivered by industry leaders including IBM, NVIDIA, Merch and AUO who oversee diverse technologies and product innovation within their enterprises.
Other highlights addressing innovative display technologies such as Micro LED, Mini LED, OLED, foldable displays and new material are presented by...
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