
Soraa Receives US DOE’s Lighting for GaN Substrates Development

Soraa has received an award from the U.S. Department of Energy for its outstanding work in the development of high-efficiency m-plane LEDs grown on low-defect density bulk GaN substrates. The company demonstrated a very high peak internal quantum efficiency (IQE of 88%), low efficiency droop (10% from 10Acm-2 to 100A.cm-2) and perfect wavelength stability (up to 200A.com-2) at a wavelength of 450nm LEDs. Soraa’s GaN on GaN LEDs handle more current and emit substantially more light (about ten times) per area of LED wafer material than the conventiona...
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LED Manufacturers Calls for More Support from DOE

A delegation of stakeholders in LED manufacturing have met with US Department of Energy officials to plead their case for increased support in solid-state lighting R&D and manufacturing, with their key message that SSL offers greater energy conservation and return-on-investments (ROI) than renewable energy technologies that get much more backing. Pushing for the added US backing is a delegation of SEMI members and other industry stakeholders with origins in the FALCON Lighting Consortium, led by Philips Lumileds and SEMI members Applied Materials...
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DOE Consortium Releases Draft Model Specification for Adaptive Control and Remote Monitoring of LED Roadway Luminaires

The U.S. Department of Energy's Municipal Solid-State Street Lighting Consortium has released a draft Model Specification for Adaptive Control and Remote Monitoring of LED Roadway Luminaires. The draft specification is posted online for public review and comment by Consortium members, manufacturers, and other interested lighting professionals. The estimated 26.5 million streetlights in the U.S. consume as much electricity each year as 1.9 million households, and generate greenhouse gas emissions equal to that produced by 2.6 million cars. Switching these st...
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Philip’s L Prize LED bulb Passed DOE’s 18000 hours Test

On August 7, DOE has released a new report to announce Philips L Prize LED Bulb passed 18000 hours test. And from the test, DOE also gets a piece of more true prediction material on lumen maintenance ratio. 200 samples are tested. The test is under the constant temperature of 45 ° C, and uses mobile integral ball to measure spectrum. According to the test data which is watched at 7000 hours, the lumens maintenance ratio of L-Prize light bulb will be 97.1%, when it lights by 25000 hours. And the possibility reaches 95%, exceed general requirement(70%). Until J...
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Cooper Lighting's LED Innovation Center Recognized as DOE LED Lighting Facts® Approved Testing Laboratory Partner

Cooper Lighting’s Photometric Laboratory, part of its LED Innovation Center, has received U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) LED Lighting Facts®  Testing Laboratory Approval. Cooper Lighting is listed with LM-79 accreditation, the industry standard procedure for photometric and electrical measurements for solid-state lighting products. The DOE LED Lighting Facts program showcases LED products for general illumination from manufacturers who commit to testing products and reporting performance results according to industry standar...
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DOE Announces BR30 or R30 LED Lamps Tested under CALiPER Program Could be Effective Replacements for Conventional Directional Lamps

DOE has finished Series 16 of testing under the DOE Solid-State Lighting CALiPER program. The Report 16 analyzes the performance of a group of 13 LED products labeled as BR30 or R30 lamps. Results show substantial improvement versus earlier CALiPER testing of similar products, and performance comparable to recent data from LED Lighting Facts and ENERGY STAR. Many of the LED lamps tested could be effective replacements for conventional directional lamps in the right application. The report also indicates that it’s necessary to boar...
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DOE Releases Report: LEDs Are Most ‘Environmentally Friendly’ Lighting

A report from Department of Energy has turned out that LED lamps have a slight environmental edge over compact fluorescent lamps and a significantly lower environmental impact than incandescent lighting over the lifetime of the products. Titled “LED Manufacturing and Performance,” is the second part of a DOE project to assess the life-cycle environmental and resource costs in the manufacturing, transport, use and disposal of LED lighting products. It has concluded that the life cycle energy consumption of LEDs and CFLs are similar — about 3,90...
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TÜV SÜD Joins DOE’s LED Lighting Facts Approved Labs

TÜV SÜD has joined LED Lighting Facts which is a voluntary pledge program sponsored by the US Department of Energy (DOE), to assure that LED lighting products are represented accurately in the market. And LED Lighting Facts only accepts test reports from Testing Laboratory Partners on the Approved Testing Laboratories list, starting June 1, 2012. TÜV SÜD America, baked by the global TÜV SÜD organization, has been approved to supply manufacturers with the data they need to submit for the LED Lighting Facts...
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DOE Announces $7 million Investments to Support SSL Development

Recently, according to The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), it has released more than $7 million for three innovative lighting projects at companies in California, Michigan and North Carolina that aim to lower the cost of manufacturing high-efficiency solid-state lighting (SSL) technologies LEDs and OLEDs.   The two-year projects selected will focus on significantly reducing manufacturing costs while continuing to improve the quality and performance of solid state lighting technologies.  These investments, which will leverage an additional $5 million in p...
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US DOE Releases New Round Small Business Funding for SSL Devices

The US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science has announced new round of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) funding opportunities. Solid-State Lighting (SSL) Devices and Packages have involved in the topics for this final round of fiscal 2012 funding. Specifically, improvements in SSL devices suitable for existing and future domestic building use are sought that will increase package efficacy beyond the SSL 2015 Multi-Year Program Goals of 224 lumens per watt (LPW) for packaged LED...
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DOE’s solution to America’s Energy Future

By Scott Patterson The U.S. Department of Energy while facing the conundrum of current economy downturn, tries to fortify the nation’s energy security and reduces carbon emissions, the solution that it has came up with is the implementation of solid-state lighting technology. DOE believes this emerging technology will be America’s answer to these three recent challenges. Solid State lighting will bring a greener environment because homes and businesses will be consuming less electricity and thus they will be less dependent of fossil fuels. Solid-state lightin...
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LED Lighting Regulation in 2012

by Paul Williams Greph Credit: U.S. Department of Energy The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 put many changes into motion for the lighting industry. The most significant change is a required 25 percent increase in the energy efficiency of light bulbs. Since manufacturers are currently unable to increase incandescent bulb efficiency by such a large percentage, the end result is essentially the phased elimination of this type of bulb. In January of 2012, the manufacture of 100-watt incandescent light bulbs that fail to meet the new efficiency standard wi...
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US Department of Energy Accelerats Funding for SSL Competion

Coming after from China announces the roadmap of banning incandescent , the US Department of Energy (DOE) has also been accelerating funding for the production of LEDs to help the country be competitive in LED industry and the overall clean energy race. The DOE will be accepting funding applications through December 15, 2011, for developers of energy-saving lighting technologies involving LEDs in some of the latest developments. The Obama Administration authorized up to $10 million for manufacturing research and development on SSL, including HBLEDs as ...
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DOE's Third Round of Funding for SSL Development

Sources inform that the US Department of Energy (DOE) is about to fund LED manufacturing R&D with up to $10M for developers of energy-saving lighting technologies,such as LEDs and OLEDs. It’s the third round of funding that directed toward this solid-state lighting research and development program area. Applicants should focus on reducing the cost of LEDs/OLEDs through better manufacturing equipment, processes, and process control. Between 2 and 4 project awards will be granted. These will address the technical challenges facing SSL in the main...
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Cree, OSRAM, Philips and DOE headline LEDs 2011

12th annual conference takes place October 24-26 to San Diego, CA Hundreds of lighting professionals will gather at the 12th installment of IntertechPira’s industry leading LEDs conference and exhibition to hear from Cree, OSRAM, Philips and more.  LEDs 2011: Bringing Lighting to Life will be held at the Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa from October 24-26, 2011 in San Diego, California, US and will provide three full days of coverage of the latest technology, applications and end uses, lighting design and luminaires and market expectations an...
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DOE Awards $14.8M for LED Development

Reportedly, The US Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded another $14.8 million in funding for development projects aimed at advancing solid-state lighting technologies. Major recipients of the new awards include Veeco, the India-headquartered manufacturing giant Moser Baer Technologies, Cree and Philips Lumileds. Veeco will receive $4 million and its project focuses on the introduction of an aluminum nitride layer into the LED epiwafer structure, to act as a buffer between the light-emitting layers of the device and a silicon substrate. Moser Baer will get $2....
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Three California LED Companies Receives DOE $4.2 million Awards

Three California companies including Soraa Inc. and Cree Inc., both in Goleta, along with Philips Lumileds Lighting Co. in San Jose have received $4.2 million from the U.S. Department of Energy to accelerate the deployment of high-efficiency LED lighting.   Among the awards, Soraa will receive $678,000 to develop LEDs that generate more light with greater efficiency. Cree will be given $1.6 million to research high-output, warm-white LEDs. Philips, receiving almost $2 million, will investigate high-voltage, low-current LED designs. The DOE inves...
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DOE Announced May 2011 Lighting Facts Product Snapshot of LED Replacement Lamps

Lately, the Department of Energy (DOE) has released May 2011 Lighting Facts Product Snapshot of LED replacement lamps, which aims to help lighting retailers, distributors, designers, utilities, and energy efficiency program sponsors understand the current state of the LED replacement lamp market and its trajectory. The report uses verified performance data from the Lighting Facts product list, which now has nearly 1,000 LED replacement lamps registered, to compare their performance to standard technologies and the new performance levels mandated by the Energy Inde...
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U.S. Department of Energy visits Optogan for possible projects in solid state lighting between Russia and the US

The U.S. delegation headed by U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu (PhD) visited the Optogan LED production plant in St. Petersburg. Nobel Laureate Steven Chu (PhD) is a recognized expert in the development of energy efficient technologies. The aim of the official visit of the US delegation to Russia was to become acquainted with Russian industry innovation and to search for possible ways to implement joint projects in energy and energy efficiency. Mutual projects were discussed within the Working Group on Energy and Environment - a bilateral...
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U.S. DOE Solid-State Lighting Manufacturing R&D Workshop 2011

U.S. DOE Solid-State Lighting Manufacturing R&D Workshop 2011 will be April 12 – 13, 2011, in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. Event U.S. DOE SSL MANUFACTURING R&D WORKSHOP 2010 Venue Hyatt Harborside, Boston, MA Dates April 12 – 13, 2011 Workshop Hours Tuesday, April 12, 2011 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM ...
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DOE planned to reopen the PAR 38 portion of the L Prize competition

The US Department of Energy (DOE) had suspended the PAR 38 portion of the L Prize competition in which companies were working to develop an LED-based solid-state lighting (SSL) replacement for halogen lamps. But in the Lightfair International in May 2011, the DOE planed to reopen the competition with modified competition requirements.
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DOE made a compared test in Field Museum to show LED products’ high-performance

The US Department of Energy (DOE) had made a test in the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Illinois, in order to tell difference lighting performance, economic performance, and potential energy savings from LED lights and halogen lighting. Recently, DOE reported the final result.
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LED City® Members Join Forces with DOE Municipal Consortium

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Cree, Inc. (Nasdaq: CREE) announce that U.S. participants in the Cree LED City® program will join forces with the DOE Municipal Solid-State Street Lighting Consortium (Consortium). The Consortium will provide ongoing national organizational structure and guidance to LED City members and new members in the process of evaluating solid-state street lighting technologies meant for public streets and other public areas.
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U.S. Department of Energy spoke highly of LED

It's reported that the U.S. Department of Energy has named the winners of its eighth annual Lighting for Tomorrow competition, which aims to bridge that gap by showcasing LED fixture design for homes and other small-scale uses such as offices, restaurants and retail stores. And the focus was on new high efficiency LED designs that could help cut lighting energy use by 25 percent.
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US DOE Launches LED Lighting Plan to Accelerate the Rise of the Solid State Lighting

To ensure the successful introduction of LED lighting and strengthen the promotion of high efficiency, high quality LED lighting products, the US Department of Energy, who does not hope to repeat the failure of CFL early-stage promotion has driven related standardization organizations to define the Energy Star standard for LED lighting products.
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U.S DOE Promotes Lighting Facts Label to Provide Customers LED Light Purchase Base

In order to effectively promote high quality, high efficiency LED lighting products, involving providing accurate product information as purchase base for customers, the Next Generation Lighting Industry Alliance under the US Department of Energy launched the SSL Quality Advocates program, requiring industry players to indicate clearly and accurately important specifications of solid state lighting products on the Lighting Facts label.
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DOE Launches National Collaboration on LED Street Lights

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced today that Seattle City Light, Seattle's publicly owned power utility, has been selected to lead a national effort to guide municipalities in evaluating light emitting diode (LED) street lights. The Municipal Solid-State Street Lighting Consortium will collect, analyze, and share information and lessons learned about LED street-lighting demonstrations to facilitate the adoption of this energy efficiency technology.
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OSRAM Sylvania receives Energy Star sustained excellence award from the DOE and EPA

EPA AND DOE RECOGNIZE OSRAM SYLVANIA WITH 2010 ENERGY STAR SUSTAINED EXCELLENCE AWARD Lighting leader earns award for protecting the environment through energy efficiency
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Veeco Awarded $4M in R&D Matching Funds from DOE Solid State Lighting Manufacturing Grant

Veeco Instruments Inc. announced that it has been awarded $4 million in R&D matching funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act by the U.S. Department of Energy to support high-efficiency solid state lighting projects. Solid state lighting, which uses light emitting diodes (LEDs) and organic LEDs (OLEDs) has the potential to be ten times more energy-efficient than traditional incandescent light bulbs.
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DOE: Secretary Chu Announces More than $37 Million for Next Generation Lighting

Solid-State Lighting Presents Major Opportunities for Energy Savings and Manufacturing Jobs
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The prior blog titled “Nichia’s contribution to a realization of a mercury-free society” took a short break. However, there was a release about new LED-based water disinfection devices made by Miura Co., Ltd., a Japanese manu... READ MORE

Violumas aims to provide the best variety of high-performance UVA, UVB, and UVC LEDs, encapsulated with the highest quality fused silica optics. The wide selection of beam angles (30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, and 135°) allows Violu... READ MORE