Coming after from China announces the roadmap of banning incandescent , the US Department of Energy (DOE) has also been accelerating funding for the production of LEDs to help the country be competitive in LED industry and the overall clean energy race.
The DOE will be accepting funding applications through December 15, 2011, for developers of energy-saving lighting technologies involving LEDs in some of the latest developments.
The Obama Administration authorized up to $10 million for manufacturing research and development on SSL, including HBLEDs as ...
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Lately, decided by the National Park Service, over 2700 MSi iPAR 38 LED lights will illuminate the Liberty Bell located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. MSi LEDs offer many advantages such cost savings in energy and maintenance. LED lights consume far less energy and produce almost no heat meaning reduced cost for both electricity and cooling. In the situation found at the Liberty Bell Center the typical tungsten halogen light burning day and night will typically need replacement every two months. The equivalent LED light burning 24 hours a day will last u...
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