Everlight filed a declaratory judgment action against Nichia Corporation (“Nichia”) for invalidity and non-infringement of U.S. Patent Nos. 5,998,925 and 7,531,960 in the U.S. District Court for Eastern District of Michigan in 2012. These two patents are directed to YAG phosphor being used in LEDs and phosphor concentration. The court confirmed that all asserted claims of Nichia’s patents were invalid. Aside from the U.S. court ruling, Everlight has receive favorable rulings in Japan and Taiwan that Nichia’s patents are invalid.
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Lighting manufacturer OSRAM (Munich/Germany) and electronics manufacturer Sharp Corp. (Osaka/Japan) have entered into a comprehensive agreement about the cross licensing of patents.
The agreement comprises patents of both companies’ in the field of opto-electronic semiconductor components as well as in the area of lighting products including such components. It extends from LED chips and laser diode chips through modules to luminaires.
In the past years, OSRAM has already entered into similar agreements with other big players in this market like Nichia, P...
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