Lumileds announced breakthrough LM-80 test results for its LUXEON 3535L Mid Power LED line. Completing 10,000 hours of LM-80 testing at 55˚C, 85˚C and 105˚C, Lumileds has exceeded lumen maintenance requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR® program, qualification by the DesignLights Consortium™ (DLC), as well as other emerging specifications. Projections based on TM-21-11 show that the devices will maintain 90% of their initial lumen output (L90) for a minimum of 60,000 hours at a 200 mA drive current and Ts temperature of 85˚C. Exceptional lifetimes were extrapolated at all test conditions. This performance means LUXEON 3535L LEDs can operate in an LED fixture for 13 years* while maintaining at least 90% of their initial brightness.
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With the LED lighting market booming and LEDs in backlight spec changes, the mid power spec market had taken center stage within the LED industry this year, already surpassing the high power market in initial output value. LED drivers with EMC lead frames can reach 1-2W power output which can supply the mid power and mid/high power LED market. LED package manufacturers are expanding EMC production capacity. After improvements to PCT lead frame materials, LED package manufacturers plan to introduce PCT products into the mid power market. Flip-chip products are also making their way in the 2014 mid power market.
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