Why to Attend this Forum:
1. To get the knowledge of The construction and maintenance policies of public lighting all over the world
2. To acquire the knowledge of the developing trend of the prosperous global public lighting industry
3. To hunt for the opportunities and challenges in China’s public lighting market
4. To get the special insight of the government officer, top manager, and experts all over the world in the industry
5. To share the experience of the roadway lighting installation, maintenance technology
6. To obtain the developing trend of public lighting industry
7. To discuss the developing trend of the energy-saving lighting
8. To share the public lighting industry information and interact with people in the industry face-to-face
9. To learn the advanced technology of public lighting
Guangzhou Grandeur Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.
Address: Zhongshan Road, Guangzhou Yue Building 38, Room 802
Post Code: 510660
TEL :020-62861786
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