Welcome to LOPE-C - The premier international platform for all involved in the field of organic and printed electronics.
LOPE-C covers the latest commercial and technological achievements in organic, inorganic and printed electronics. LOPE-C represents the entire industrial value chain – academic research to R&D, to production, to commercialization, to end-user cultivation.
Major Topics are:
* Lighting
* Photovoltaics
* Displays
* Electronics and Components
* Integrated Smart Systems
Including all facets of this new electronics
* Devices: OTFTs, OLEDs, EL, sensors, batteries, memories, etc.,
* Materials: organic and inorganic, carbon and nano materials, semiconductors, conductors, dielectrics, substrates
* Processes: printing and other large-area mass patterning techniques, etc.
* Equipment: printing, vacuum deposition, patterning, coating, test & measurement, assembly and others
* Production: roll-to-roll and in-line processes
* Applications: flexible and rollable displays, lighting, photovoltaics, RFID, consumer electronics, sensors, smart objects and textiles, etc.
* Services: R&D, prototyping, manufacturing, venture and equity capitalization, etc.
* End users: issues of packaging and logistics, consumer electronics, transportation, brand management, pharmaceutical and medical applications, etc.
LOPE-C attendee and exhibitor target groups:
* Corporate and Policy Management
* Business and Product Development
* Financing and Venture Capitalization
* Corporate Research and Development
* Academic Research and Applied Sciences
Join us from June 28-30, 2011 at the Forum Messe Frankfurt,Germany!
Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH
Mrs Astrid Wille
Rotebuehlstr. 83-85
70178 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: +49 711 61946-26
Fax: +49 711 61946-93
Email: astrid.wille@mesago.com