According to the report of LEDinside, 2019 Global Lighting Market Report, MLS, who took over LEDVANCE from Osarm, became the fourth largest lighting company in the world. The company currently focuses on smart LED lighting and is planning to expand its business in smart home and human centric lighting. Seeing the future of smart lighting application, Lawrence Lin, CEO of LEDVANCE, shared his insight towards the market of smart lighting in 2020.

Global Smart Home Lighting Trend
Lin said that the development of smart home lighting is still in its early stage with major growing momentum from North America and Europe. Smart speakers by Amazon and Google are opening up the market of smart home lighting for these areas.
Currently the main communication protocols adopted in smart home lighting include Bluetooth, ZigBee, WiFi and others. Featuring fast responding time and gateway free, Bluetooth Mech is going to be the mainstream communication protocol to cover applications in short distance and small area. LEDVANCE as a fixture supplier provides holistic solution for all kinds of communications protocol for lighting designers and end customers.
As for the Asia-Pacific market, Lin pointed out that the company has been in touch with China-based IoT companies to push related development. LEDVANCE sees that the popularity of smart speakers will be the key to expand the smart lighting market in Asia as it was in Europe and North America.

Ready for Smart Lighting, and Ready for HCL
LEDVANCE aims to enhance user experiences of lighting products and to fulfill the requirement of human centric lighting (HCL) by improving both hardware and software.
For hardware, LEDVANCE will supply smart products with connectivity and sensor integration. The company has also cooperated with Intematix and Bridgelux to create full spectrum LED products. On the other hand, LEDVANCE worked together with universities and research organization to conduct experiments of human centric lighting and expects to showcase the product portfolio at Light+Building: Frankfurt in 2020.
In 2018, LEDVANCE has presented the world first lighting product series adopting Bluetooth Mesh, SLYVANIA SMART+ Lighting Portfolio, at CES Las Vegas and demonstrated filament lamp for Apple HomeKit at Light + Building. In addition, the industry first RGB LED filament lamps were launched at LFI Chicago to pave the way for the smart home lighting market.

Author: Joanne / LEDinside