Since the first PechaKucha Night debut in Tokyo, Japan in 2003, lots of people around the world have been captivated by this enjoyable event. The main purpose of PechaKucha Night is to share speakers’ – no matter professionals or laymen – observations and opinions on light/lighting. PechaKucha Night is now a global sensation and has been held in more than 700 cities in the world. Of course in Taiwan it does, there is a PechaKucha Night event in Taipei, Taiwan every year.

PechaKucha Night in Taipei in Xue Xue Institute.
What is PechaKucha Night
The title “PechaKucha” is originated from a Japanese term represents a talking situation, and the subtitle “20x20” describes how it goes: each speaker can share 20 images and only 20 seconds explanation for every single one. Basically, this is an event for everyone who is interested in sharing his/her points of view about anything related to light. Although PechaKucha Night possesses a distinctive style (20x20), there is actually no rigid rules to follow; no limitations on speakers’ age, nation or language, no limitations on places to hold these events. Then only thing attendees have to follow is to listen to all these presentations and laugh and clap whenever they feel good.
Around the world, you can find at least one PechaKucha Night to attend almost every weekend. Countless people have taken part in this lovely activity and gained new vision on light/lighting. As light is so close to us, it’s no reason to learn more about it in a serious way.

Attendees are listening to presentations.
PechaKucha Night in Taipei vol. 24
Speakers for most PechaKucha Night events are people who are interested in lighting; however, the PechaKucha Night in Taipei vol. 24 is so extraordinary that all the speakers are TNT members, including its host, Uno Lai. (the vol. 23 event was not!) For those who weren’t able to attend, let BeLight share you fascinating presentations!

Founders of PechaKucha Night event
Spirits of PechaKucha Night
Noriko Higashi opened the night by introducing Kaoru Mende and PechaKucha Night, explaining what they have done to address awareness of lighting environment in the world. Also, she shared some images impressing to her with attendees.
Senses to Brightness and Darkness
Black and white are most fundamental colors, they are also colors revealing contrast between light and shadow best. Through black and white, we can understand how gradations matter in ways we look at all other billion colors.

A window is more than a window
Sometimes we regard windows merely a hole for light and wind to come into the house, however, it is a natural way to reach light as well. A good window can not only provide people who live in the house a wider view but also a perfect “lighting.”

Lighting dots from inside
Light is such a wonderful media to express people’s thought, feeling and ways they interact with the surroundings. You can see luminant objects everywhere, but have you ever notice how they work to you?

Are you restful in a restroom?
It is somewhere you have to visit every day, time by time, no matter where you are. You are so intimate with it yet you may never pay any attention to how you feel when you visit it – you have to feel good!

There are several terms related to light in Japanese, and “akari” is a very special one of them. “Akari” expresses a specific lighting condition that is very adequate in some specific situations, even a light leading you to the future.

Hunting a tale
There is a tale says that you can see a green flash when the sun rises from the eastern horizon. To witness this magical moment, Charles Stone starts his hunting journey from scientific theories to artistic paint.

A chance to Rebirth
On 11th March, 2011, the most devastating catastrophe hit Japan and caused perpetual damage to Japanese people. Kaoru Mende reversely regards this tragedy a chance for people to rethink their connections with the environment. Lighting is not an exception for it has some social aspects that really matters how we human beings live.

Aspects of lighting
Related post:Lighting Master Kaoru Mende Invites You to Immerse Into the Lighting World