For the first time the advertising screen of Piccadilly will showcase digital art Complex Meshes as a celebration of Lumiere London. (Lumiere London/LEDinside)
Normally home to advertising for the world's biggest brands, for the first time one of the screens of this iconic landmark will feature digital art.
A trio of works, all by Miguel Chevalier express the fluid possibilities of art in the 21st-century. Like a giant kaleidoscope, Complex Meshes 2016, Original of the World 2016 and Pixels Wave 2016 brings a world of colours and shapes in motion, and takes us on an imaginary journey of optical illusion and play.
Experience Chevalier's works during Lumiere London, 6.30pm to 10.30pm.
All software by Cyrille Henry / Antoine Villeret. Technical Production: Voxels Productions.
Complex Meshes 2016. (Lumiere London/LEDinside) |
Complex Meshes 2016
A mesh is a three-dimensional object consisting of vertices, edges and faces which form polygons, used in modeling or architecture. For this piece, the use of numerous wireframe meshes becomes an aesthetic in itself. Different colored weaving patterns overlap, evolve and transform slowly. This huge virtual light curtain twists, moves and resizes to create diverse and complex shapes. The surface is deformed to generate the abstract landscapes of a living universe.
Origin of the World 2016
Origin of the World 2016 is inspired by the world of biology, micro-organisms and cellular automata. Cells multiply in abundance, divide, and merge in sometimes slow, sometimes rapid rhythm. Everything comes together, comes apart, and changes shape at top speed. These organic universes mingle sometimes with constructivist universes made up of pixels. This unstable, black-and-white megapixel tableaux gradually gives way to vivid, colour-saturated spirals. An organic world or a pixelated one, this artificial universe somehow seems to meet up with the universe of living beings. This is a new kind of “technological Baroque” art that gives form to the formless while perpetually replenishing itself. Sinuously rippling curves bring back to life the artificial paradises of the Nineteen Seventies. The patterns appear in an almost psychedelic arrangement that create unprecedented visual experiences.
Pixels Wave 2016
Pixels Wave 2016 is made up of various "multi-coloured graphic scenes," following one another, that are composed of such symbolic motifs from the digital universe as pixels, 0s and 1s (symbolic representations of binary code), mathematical symbols (+, x, and -), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. The wave ripples forth, endlessly taking shape and then losing its shape, thereby creating ceaselessly replenished universes.