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It is reported that Foxconn Electronics will invest US$10 billion in Chengdu to pave way for Chimei Innolux (CMI), which planed to build a factory with producing TFT-LCD panel. While CMI said their indeed planed to invest in china, but the investment was still under evaluation.
Industry estimated Foxconn's investment possibly included an advanced LCD panel production plan projects. In Chengdu, a US$5 billion LCD panel project going on under the name of Qunkang Technology was thought to be subsidiary of Foxconn, as registered US$38 million on June 26, 2010.
Currently, Qunkang has been hiring examiners and operators for LCD panel production, ready for Foxconn setting up an 8.5G plant around the Chengdu area.
Foxconn's investment will emphasize on LCD module production, LED backlight unit (BLU) production, LED packaging and lighting sources production.
CMI reported that China investments were still evaluating, and it may be definitely but all details were still under discussion.