Reportedly, Samsung Electronics showcased a prototype of a 19-inch TV equipped with an OLED panel made by using an inkjet printing method at FPD International 2010, a trade show on LCD and OLED flat-panel displays (FPDs).

Its pixel count is 960 x 540, which is about quarter that of full HD. The resolution is 58ppi and the luminance of the panel is 200cd/m2. It can display 16.77 million colors with an 8-bit color scale as well as a 62% color gamut.

Samsung pointed out that the technology is still under development, and haven’t thought about the commercialization of the TV yet.
It’s said that in May 2009, Seiko Epson Corp used the inkjet method to develop a 14-inch OLED panel with the resolution of 60ppi, a 6-bit color scale, and 100cd/m2 luminance.