A major investment in new, hi-tech LED street lighting across Renfrewshire has got underway in Paisley.
Lighting contractors started the installation in the Foxbar and Glenburn areas and will complete work in Paisley before moving to other parts of Renfrewshire later in the year.
Workers installing new streetlights in Renfrewshire in UK. (Photo courtesy of Renfrewshire) |
The new lights will save a massive GBP 750,000 (US $1.10 million) a year due to lower electricity consumption, reduced maintenance costs and a reduction in carbon tax payments.
Council chiefs say the GBP 11m investment will protect the environment, save money on running costs and improve street safety at night.
Almost 29,000 streetlights across Renfrewshire are being fitted with new, energy-efficient lamps which consume around 60% less power than conventional lamps and last five times longer.
Another benefit of the new LED technology is that it emits a more natural white light that allows colors to be seen more clearly. The light also produces better quality CCTV images which can help to deter crime and antisocial behavior, and improve detection rates for incidents.
Councilor Eddie Devine, convener of Renfrewshire Council's Environment Policy Board, said:
"This investment will bring a wide range of benefits.
"At the moment, street lighting accounts for one-fifth of the council's CO2 emissions. By making this major investment in new, green LED technology, we are taking a significant step to meeting our carbon reduction targets.
"By using less energy to light our streets, we are also protecting council tax payers against the effects of future energy price increases."
The replacement program is expected is expected to be completed by May 2017. In most cases, the new LED lamps will be fitted to existing lamp-posts, making the exercise quick and straightforward.
Residents will receive a postcard before installation starts in their area and lamp-post signs will be put up to remind them to keep installation spaces clear.
More information on LED street lights and details of the installation schedule are available at www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/LEDlights