At the Micro LED product launch, Konka invited Shuji Nakamura, the Nobel winner in 2014, to share his ideas about Micro LED displays and the technology progress of his laboratory.

According to Nakamura, Micro LED outpaces OLED in all the features including brightness, contrast, durability and more, however, the only challenge for Micro LED is production cost. And in order to reduce cost, the miniaturize process of LED might lead to efficiency degrease. Currently the research team has developed a 10μm Micro LED chip which is able to achieve 42% EOE.

In addition, a full colored Micro LED display is composed by RGB three color LED chips. But red LEDs are made from AllGaP which is more challenging and perform lower efficiency compared to blue and green LEDs made by InGaN. Thus, Nakamura’s team is working on producing red LED with InGaN and has reaped first fruits.

Despite that there are still several challenges for Micro LED technology, LEDinside noted in its latest report, “Micro LED Next Generation Display Key Technology Report,” that the technology has overcome many bottlenecks compared to the progress two years ago. In 2019, many leading companies across the world have showcased their Micro LED product samples based on their patented technologies. Micro LED commercialization is also accelerating as the technology becomes more mature.